N'mavi Lumii
Keeper of the Moon
Age: ???
Height: 149cm
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Orientation: Pansexual
Main Jobs: PCT-WHM-DNC
originally born in the (whatever era), N'mavi was an allagan scholar blah blah blah
she doesnt remember any of this but is still a scholar at heart
was resurrected in sharlayan where she was adopted by some lesbians, she continued to study with a new passion.
after completing her studies and becoming an archon, she leaves for eorzea and meets li'to
li'to mavi backstory
eventually parted ways for a bit but met up again in the far east with the tankards and became a tankard herself!
after only helping behind the scenes for a bit she decided to step up and start being on the frontlines with the tankards!
G'raha :)